the biscuit...10wks 5dys
hi friends and family!
we just had another appointment on monday 4-19-10, and the biscuit and i are the picture of health. my belly measured at 16 centimeters which correlates perfectly with our weeks of pregnancy. my diet is healthy and the midwife considers "high quality" ice cream to be a nutrient food, so i am in luck for the summer!
i feel great. i have gained about 5 pounds thus far. sunny and i are walking everyday. i like to eat about every 2-3 hours, small meals/snacks of course. my new cravings are yogurt with granola and mul naeng myun (korean beef noodle soup served chilled). i only have caffeine about 4 times a week and allow myself just 1...but for some reason i want coca cola all of the time!
my stomach feels like it is stretching on the inside, my uterus is growing and i can feel it under my belly button...weird! my lower tummy feels hard. it's like chub that i can't suck in. maybe tmi for some of you, but my breasts are gigantic and have started showing signs that my milk flow shouldn't be an issue. moo. i haven't felt any movement in there yet. it should happen in about 2 weeks or so. i have wondered about that feeling since i was a little girl! i'm sleeping much better than i was, only getting up to pee about twice. no more middle of the night bowls of cereal.
emotionally i am wicked excited! and truly thankful for my life...the smallest things make me tear up, like folding little tiny onsies or duke kissing my belly. i've started taking care of a 1 month old, just looking at her makes my eyes water. awwww. i still continue to have insane dreams. i may post a blog about some at a later time.
duke is totally awesome! he makes sure that i am taking it easy and won't let me climb on things (remember, i am only 5'2"). he even cleaned up after i threw up on him and the floor the other night...what a champ. he says that he is ready...i can't wait to see him with the biscuit!
i'll be posting pictures of the belly every 4 weeks so that you can see the changes for yourselves. ultrasound images as well. here's what we have for now...