mimmay and grampie meet
jeyu for the first time! he really liked them. you can tell by the hickey he gave mimmay on her cheek!
a few mornings jeyu hung out with them while duke and i snoozed.
mimmay let grampie hold jeyu once in awhile...hee hee.
we took the biscuit for his first trip to the beach. it was a beautiful fall day!
we made it up to the columbia gorge for another beautiful day! multnomah falls, of course and larch mountain. on top of larch mountain, you can see 5 volcanos...mouny saint helens, mount ranier, mount adams, mount hood and mount jefferson. mimmay has vertigo and gets very scared, but she proved to her grandson that she was no chicken! she made it to the top!!!
all in all we had a great visit! thanks mimmay and grampie! xoxoxo