Sunday, December 19, 2010

11 weeks old and growing so fast! too fast!

jeyu is becoming such a nice little boy. he loves to laugh and giggle and play. tubby time is still his ultimate and i think that he knows when it is bath time. he is beginning to recognize cues for eating, sleeping and bathing. he is usually up twice per night to eat, giving his parents a 4-4.5 hour chunk of sleep and then about 3. there really isn't any rhyme or reason to his daytime nap is really up to him for now. we'll start a more strict schedule when he is a little older.

i can't believe that jeyu is now too big for size 3 month clothing! it really is bittersweet. i love to see him growing and changing, but it is just too fast! we take sunny for walks as often as the weather allows. we have a storm cover for his super stroller, however he is still to young to be brought out in the thick of it.

jeyu is very social and likes to be held by new people. he likes to join in the party and will refuse to close his eyes, no matter how tired he is! (gee, wonder where he gets that from?)

for tickles and giggles, please enjoy this most recent video by clicking here

xoxox much love

wow! jeyu is already 2 months old!

we couldn't love this guy any more! he is so strong and healthy. at his 2 month appointment he weighed in at 13 pounds (75th percentile) and measured 24 inches (90th percentile). he got his first round of vaccines. we are being choosey about which ones he gets and when. some of these drugs are just unnecessary for our little boy's body. (don't worry, we have been well educated in this realm and heed the advice of our pediatrician.) it was the first time that i saw real tears stream down his cheeks. i cried too. poor guy! jeyu is the picture of good health!

sunny is getting quite protective over her little brother. she warns off other dogs at the park and stands guard by the crib, play mat and swing. jeyu loves his play mat and "guys" hanging down. he whacks them around and talks to them while kicking his legs about. he is not really into his swing for puts him to sleep and he does not like to miss a beat!

8 weeks~ bring on the chub!

jeyu continues to LOVE his bath time! he is finally starting to interact with his toys.