so the biscuit is 2 days shy of 20 weeks, and healthy as can be! at 11 oz, all other measurements are spot on. at my midwife appointment today, my uterus measured at 21 centimeters, which means it has grown 5 centimeters in the last 4 weeks. i have gained 2.5 more pounds. the heartbeat was 150 bpm. about the same as last time.
you can see the profile in the first picture, the face is mashed up against the back of my uterus.
the ultrasound tech was having a heck of a time getting the baby to turn so that she could measure the spine, eventually it turned. which was good for medical purposes, however made it quited difficult when we wanted a 3D pic of its little face. of course in all of the black and whites, the biscuit was looking directly at us. ah nuts.
at 20 weeks, the biscuit still kind of looks like ET, there is no chub to the cheeks yet. we did get a little wave though...it was so cute, duke waved back.
she had us look away at just the right moments, so we still do not know the gender. it will be a big exciting surprise. the tech said "she scans very well." duke and i gasped. then she referred to the biscuit as he later so...
wednesday is my actual 20 week mark, so i'll post some belly shots then. big difference from 16 weeks. half way there! xoxoxoxoxoxo love to you all ~t
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