since our last update, biscuit and i have visited with the dietician last tuesday and the midwife today. the dietician gave us a big ole pamphlet telling us what to eat and when, as well as a glucometer and some blood test strips. i have been blood testing 4 times a day since and keeping a food intake log. lucky for me, i like vegetables and i like to cook, so this new eating plan is not as difficult as i had feared.
except for no cake or ice cream...a small sacrifice for a beautifully baked biscuit!
so, it turns out that since pregnancy hormones are the greatest during the morning, that is when i need to be the most mindful. milk, of all things, is really high in simple carbs...aka sugar. that means no cereal for breakfast. the quick and easy is over in the a.m. high protein is what is called for. (actually everyone should eat a high protein leaves you fuller longer and with more energy.) this is a little harder for me since i have a slight allergy to egg whites. luckily, the morning star sausage patties fit the bill and are delicious along side of a slice of hearty whole wheat toast and some grilled asparagus...mmm.
at the midwife check-up today...i learned that i've lost a pound and the biscuit has grown to expand my belly to a whopping 33 centimeters. that is 3 centimeters in 2 weeks! wow. since i am doing so well on the eating plan, we should be able to continue this way until the birth. YEAH, NO INSULIN INJECTIONS OR MEDS!!!
they won't let me have a waterbirth, which i expected. just in case i am too big to get out of the tub quickly if there is an emergency is the logic. i say, let's see how big i get and go from there, but maybe they don't want to offend a fat preggo...haha. i can still labor in water either in the waterbirth tub or in the jacuzzi tubs for relaxation. i have a feeling that i am going to be a mover and a shaker anyway...way too many "ants in the pants."
the biscuit has been quite active! i can now feel kicks and pokes on opposite sides of my belly at the same time. while the midwife was trying to measure my belly and feel for belly was doing the wave. i swear, this feeling will never get old.
despite all of this sugar drama, i feel great. i really am enjoying this pregnancy and getting to know the biscuit within. i am so proud of my big basket ball belly!!!
thank you all for your love and support!
much love xoxoxox t & b