we had our 28 week appointment on wednesday 7/14/10. my belly has busted out another 4.5 centimeters for a whopping 30 total. the scale however, did not move a smidgen...still at 15#. it's all baby, baby. biscuits heart rate was 136 bpm.
since my bloodtype is A-, i received a shot of rhogam (mercury free, of course) to prevent any later complications due to rh antibodies building up in my blood and infecting any future child with rh disease. and, i got my blood work done. good news...i am not anemic! all hail mee yuk gook (beef and seaweed soup)! bad news...i failed my glucose test.
(for more info.. http://www.babycenter.com/0_glucose-screening-and-glucose-tolerance-tests_1483.bc )
anything under 140 is of no concern, however, my number was 178...cause for concern. so tonight i will be fasting and tomorrow morning at 7:30 am i'll be in the lab at ohsu getting a GTT (glucose tolerance test) which takes about 3 hours.
with that being said, only about 1/3 of women who have a high glucose number actually have gestational diabetes, so the odds are in our favor. it is hereditary and my gram had it during 2 out of 6 pregnancies. it is caused by hormone fluctuation and probably because i am older.
if i am found to have gestational diabetes, i will just have to alter my diet until biscuit is born. then it will go away. there would be increased risk for hypertension, pre-eclampsia and large birthweight. the first two could result in a early delivery and the last could mean a c-section...ugh. (my uncle was born 6 weeks early and weight in at 9.5#!) these problems would all interfere with my hopes to have a waterbirth.
i am confident that we are healthy and all will be well. think happy sugar-free thoughts for us please. i'll keep you all posted...no pun intended. hee hee
xo t
I'm really glad you put that site in for us to read, but I still worry for you, this way you won't have any extra stress...lol...You'll see soon enough how a Mom worries...;-)
ReplyDeleteAuntie, this is Natalia! I just wanted to tell you I love you! Tell my cousin I love him too!