my gestational diabetes is totally under control. they say i am doing an excellent job with diet maintenance. seriously, i would never eat this well if it was not for the health of my baby!!! bring on the cupcakes yo! i am ready!
i've decided to have them fill up the waterbirth tub for me to labor in, even though they'll make me get out to deliver. the total submersion should help with the pain. "help" ha ha!
we're going to play bob marley while easing the biscuit into our world...happy go lucky, easy and cool... i keep joking that we'll all be swaying to the music and biscuit will just slide right out with a big smile. a girl can wish...right?
we begin our birthing from within class on next thursday. will keep you posted on how that goes. the instructor is a doula and will be coming to our house for private instruction...awesome! melissa (our great friend and amazing LMT) will be attending the classes as well as the birth for massaging and support. we are super lucky!
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