this video is dedicated to marianna...she really wanted to see my waddle...we got busted by the 88 year old lady across the street...ha! good thing i don't embarrass easily.
36 weeks and 5 days now. the biscuit is cleared to arrive at will! our midwife appointment went super well today. here is the follow up email she sent me after my blood test results came in...
Dear T-Star, Here's the result for today -- perfect! I just wanted you to know that I am aware of how difficult it is to make all the changes you have had to make with this pregnancy and acknowledge what a wonderful job you have done! You have made it look easy (but I know it's not). Maggie
yes, i am boasting. my weight gain is still around 17 pounds and the biscuit is still moving strong! active baby today had a heartrate around 146 bpm. head is down, back curves up my right side so that the little butsy is under my ribs (ouch) and left leg is across my belly with knee and foot jetting out causing the giant "coners" as we've dubbed them. lots of movement with that leg. the stretching has not stopped either...dysmorphic belly!
duke went with me to the appointment today. he got to feel the head and hear the heartbeat too. it is so endearing.

i asked duke to take a picture of me from behind, so that i can know what i look like. people keep telling me that i don't look pregnant until i turn around.
we have the biscuit nook all set up in the office. we'll be bringing an armchair and nursing stool up here too for nighttime convenience.
bring on the baby! we love you all and will get back with you soon. xoxoxo
Fantastic video! And u don't look preggo AT ALL from behind! Well done! x