Tuesday, June 29, 2010

mama's wearin' the big jeans!

wow, those maternity pants that were in the bin, you know...the giant ones, well...they're fitting now. this baby is going to be one giant biscuit! i am beginning to worry that duke's dream of it being a 9 pounder may come to reality.

we attended matt and gina's wedding on sunday. i got there early to help momo set up...by the time we left (14+ hours later), i had some serious kankles! i guess pregnancy can slow you down, eh? phew. waddle waddle waddle

bridal veil lakes
25 wks 4 dys

Thursday, June 17, 2010

duke the provider!

appa came home with a new family ride! 2001 honda crv! isn't she shiny?!

the chevy crapalier just wasn't cutting it anymore. beside the fact that my belly was about to graze the steering wheel, no baby is safe in that jalopy. we had it for 12 out of its 14 years of life and it was good to us. at 160,000 miles, it needs new brakes/rotors/tires/gas tank/gas gauge/the bottom is completely rusted out (thanks vermont) and it won't pass DEQ. my mechanic refused to repair it because he cannot be held liable. now the blue hornet is headed for the goodwill pastures. yes, we are donating it's organs. goodbye old friend.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

24 weeks of love in the oven!

hello! today was our 24 week appointment with the midwife. my belly has grown a whopping 4.5 centimeters in the last 4 weeks (now @ 25.5 total) and i have gained another 5 pounds (i blame some of that on my binge eating in chicago...haha). so that is 15 pounds since the pregnancy began. the midwife says that the biscuit and i are right on track. i feel great...other than insane heartburn of course.

i treated myself to a visit to my favorite acupuncturist this afternoon. i completely fell asleep; i was so relaxed. she helps to take away some back pain...due to this ever-expanding belly and set of giant udders! she also gave me a list of alkaline/acidic foods so that i can try to regulate my heartburn through my diet. unfortunately, sweets and dairy are on the acidic side...yum/ouch. that would explain why my morning cereal puts me in turmoil. oddly enough, lemons, limes and tomatoes all fall under alkalines...who knew?

next time it's bloodwork...yeah!

love you all xoxoxoxox

Sunday, June 6, 2010

biscuit is growing!

22 weeks 3 days...getting bigger and bigger
*note: never take sitting up or bending over for granted!

the biscuit is growing and getting stronger. the kicks are much more powerful...even duke can feel some of them. i think s/he likes music and coca cola. (don't worry, i only treat myself once and awhile...totally healthy doses.) next appointment with the midwife is june 16th. wow, 24 weeks! the time is starting to fly by! i love being pregnant. i have never had such a positive self image. this belly is amazing!

renée is performing an old wives tale tradition...boy or girl? (it went in a circle all 3 times.)