Friday, October 15, 2010

status update

on day four, jeyu had managed to bulk back up to his birthweight of 6# 13oz! (25th %)
his length was measured at 20" (50th %)
his head circumference was 14" (50th %)

healthy boy! and a good the lactation specialist's he ate the average amount of a 10 day old! this guy is blowin' up!

proven to be a good eater for his 11 day appointment...jeyu has gained almost a pound this week for a whopping weight of 7# 9oz! he has his mama's appetite! dr. martin says that he is perfect! jeyu's bellybutton has healed and he is cleared for a full on bath! (boy, does that thing stink when it finally falls off...ugh!)

ok, ok, i'll take more pics and upload them soon! xoxo t

1 comment:

  1. the stinky detachable bellybutton thing kind of freaks me out...but i'm glad to hear that he's healthy
